Daily Archives: December 7, 2009

Prayers answered, blessings, miracles and amazement

Prayer and thankfulness… Why am I amazed and awed by their indescribable power? 

I believe…I know… I don’t need proof… but I am like a child opening his eyes of Christmas morning at the miracles in life…

It’s the “knowing” inside my spirit I think… that indescribable peace when you realize the answer has come… the curtain on the workings of God are pulled back for just a little while… You see the glorious light for just a moment… a glimpse… an eyeblink.. but you see it… you feel it so deep you are shaken with wonder…

The moment is as if the Earth reversed it polarity…   the thrill of contact with the  glorious truth… a life changed forever

Perhaps the surest thing is to know something within your soul…. to share it with someone… to look into eyes that are changed… to see a soul that is different… not the same as it was…  as if the drab shade of a lamp has been changed to one made of fantastical colors and textures of stained glass by a master artisan.  A new light radiates from within the soul of the person changed…

And can you look up expecting the old vessel without being amazed at the new one that stands  before you…

I’ve seen it so many times before but not a brightly shining as now…   

Yes, a spirit can change instantly… from the dark to the light… renewed… remade… not just restored… but a new vessel…

A person who could never have changed is changed…  a prayer that seemed a major miracle is answered with proof… as if a new-born child materialized in your hands… a new spirit is created…

I have seen with my own eyes… felt with my own heart… know with my own spirit… that miracles still happen… that Jesus Christ creates new lives… I wonder what my soul was like before I saw with my own eyes… 

I am a witness…  I care not if I am believed… I know that it has happened again…  that the power of God’s spirit has worked in a life… that a life will never be the same…

I am a witness that tears are signals from the deepest reaches of the soul… that being unable to explain in words is the proof of a thousand sermons….

Yet, I am still amazed… still humbled…  like the first time I stopped on a road in west Texas at night having just thought that I might be able to see the Milky Way only to find that I could see it and what seemed to be all of the stars in the universe…staring in wonder and amazement….

Yet, I shouldn’t be … because I am a witness…. I know…